In anger, Kino punched the gate with his fists.Ĭanoes were parked alongside the beach. The messenger revealed to Kino that since he could only offer pathetic pearls as payment, the doctor did not want to see him. He dismissed the case, saying that he didn’t help ‘little Indians’. The doctor was from a race that despised Kino’s in the past and Kino had second thoughts about visiting him. The doctor was apparently a very cruel man. The whole community soon got to know of this incident. Juan Tomas was Kino’s brother and Apolonia was his wife. Juana decided to head to the doctor instead. The doctor didn’t visit the brush houses as he often attended to richer patients. Kino was impressed by the bravery of his wife. The baby had a real chance of dying from the sting. Juana tried to use her mouth to suck out the poison from Coyotito. It was in that moment that the scorpion bit Coyotito. Juana started chanting, in the hope that the scorpion would leave. Suddenly, there was a scorpion on the rope and it was approaching the box where Coyotito was resting in. He and his wife rarely spoke, but they were very close to each other. Kino was very attune to the sea and the natural environment. Kino is a fisherman, Juana is his wife and their baby is named Coyotito.